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  • In Chile, their currency is called a peso

  • One dollar in the USA is equal to around 665 Chilean Pesos (664.7 exactly)

  • It is around 7 times smaller than a penny



  • Because Chile is very close to the Ocean, seafood is very popular​

  • Chileans enjoy countless amounts of wounderous foods, one of the favorites being empanadas (pastries filled with onions, beef, eggs, spices, raisins, and olives)

  • If it's a rainy day, don't worry, you get to eat Sopaipillas, deep-fried pupkin bread with sugar on top



  • ​A very common greeting in Chile is the abrazo which is a handshake and hug, and if the person you are greeting is a woman or family member, a kiss on the right cheek​

  • When greeting someone in Chile, eye-contact is expected

  • In Chile, people dress much like those in the United States and many western countries

  • Unlike many other spanish speaking people, Chileans often will use the formal usted when adressing people, instead of the more casual tú, both meaning "you"

Facts to Know


  • To Chileans, respect is very important

  • What we think of as beckoning in the USA (gesturing with one hand palm up while motioning towards yourself with the index finger or all fingers) means you want to pick a fight in Chile

  • people hand things to one enother, and do not throw them

  • When people need to yawn, they supress it, or conceal it with their hands

Customs & Facts to Know

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What to do and see

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pictures & maps
customs & facts to know
  • Because Chile is very long north to south, but it's average width east to west is only 112 miles, Chile has many different climates

  • One of the driest deserts in the world is in northern region of Chile, the Atacama

  • It is temperate in the central region

  • Subartic in the south

Getting Around
  • There are many ways to get around in Chile

  • The first way to get around in some of the cities are the cable cars that go up and down the hills

  • Another way is public transportation, which is very good in Chile, however many roads are unpaved

  • If you are in Santiago, there is a subway

  • There are also inexpensive private bus systems when traveling in and between cities

  • In more rural regions, it is more common to use bikes, trucks, or motorcycles if traveling longer distances


  • One of the most amazing places in Chile is Patagonia, located in southern Chile (there is a picture of Patagonia in the Pictures & Maps portion of the website)

  • Another amazing place to visit whlie visiting Chile is the city of Valparaíso just north west of Santiago, Valparaíso is very colorful and full of life, it is situated in hills, and has the Andes mountains to the west and the Pacific ocean to the east

  • The Andes Mountains are also an amazing place to visit, they form the western border of Chile


What to pack
  • When traveling to Chile, what to pack depends on where you're going

  • If you are traveling to the Andes mountains, you will need cold weather gear (hats, gloves, snow boots, jackets, etc.)

  • If you are going to the northern region of Chile, bring warm weather clothes

  • If you are going to central or southern region of Chile, it will depend on the season that Chile is experiencing at the time, remember, because Chile is in the southern hemisphere, the seasons are oppisite of the northern hemishpere's seasons.

Pictures and Maps

The beautiful city of Valparaíso

The Paine Mountains in Chilean Patagonia

The Moai, on Easter Island Chile

Political map of Chile

The capitol city of Santiago

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